Cultivating change with cocoa

Agriculture students visited the stall to get more information on the Soul Cocoa Livelihood Project.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) participated in World Food Day celebrations held recently in East Honiara, Solomon Islands.
“Right to food for a better life and better future” was the theme of the event, which saw ADRA showcase chocolate products made from fresh cocoa sourced from farmers from Northeast Guadalcanal and North Malaita who are part of ADRA’s Soul Cocoa Livelihood Project (SCLP).
The project is aimed at empowering farmers in the Solomons to boost their income as they produce sustainable cocoa crops. Cocoa growing households learn new crop management techniques such as pruning, grafting, and integrated pest and disease management, while also cooperating in the marketing of their produce.
The ADRA display included samples of seeds, seedlings, cocoa fruits, dried cocoa beans and cocoa powder. ADRA representatives shared about the SCLP and encouraged more people to get involved in the project.