High note for choir

A vocal ensemble from Avondale University has received two gold diplomas in The Open Competition at the World Choir Games in Auckland, New Zealand.
Despite being the only entrant, The Promise had to perform at the highest standard to be declared winner of the University and College Choirs category. It placed second—also with a gold diploma and ahead of two other choirs—in the Gospel category the previous day.
“We were shocked to do so well,” said soprano Olivia Morton. She credits artistic director Dr Aleta King’s leadership and the bonds the students developed as keys to success. “We learnt not just vocal techniques but group dynamics.”
With 11,000 participants making up 250 choirs representing 42 countries, the biennial World Choir Games—the “Olympics of choral music”—claims to be the world’s largest international choral competition.
Receiving gold diplomas earns the students an invitation to compete in The Champions Competition at the next games. “That is an honour,” said Dr King, “and a reward for hard work, determined effort and prayer.”
Avondale University, in northern New South Wales, is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.