Colourful fun for a good cause

Mountain View Adventist College came up with a fun and colourful way to raise funds for an upcoming community service trip.
The Sydney school recently hosted a “colour run” aimed at raising funds for a year 11 community service trip to Fiji later this year. The event raised more than $12,000.
Prep to grade 6 were involved in the run along with senior student helpers. Colourful powders were thrown at the students, covering their clothes in vibrant hues. The fundraiser lasted all day with classes brought down in groups to participate in an obstacle course.
In September, year 11 students will be visiting Navesau Adventist High School, one of Mountain View’s sister schools, where they will help with renovations, painting and community projects. The team of 26 students and staff will also be building a multipurpose court.
The school has been involved in community service trips for 10 years.